How I’m reading and finishing a book
Everyone knows how difficult it is to start reading a book and to finish it. Sometimes, we start reading it, and then we lose focus and start a new one. As a result, we never finish the book. Is this happening to you as well? Well, this is happening to me a lot :(
The goal of this article is to share with you how I’m trying to finish a book. Let’s see if it works or not. I’m trying to do this, but I don’t have any examples yet. I’ll tell you if it goes well or not.
The book that I’m reading now and trying this new technique with is “The Coaching Habit” by Michael Bungay Stanier. So, let’s see what happens in the end. After finishing the book, I will comment on this post with the result. For now, it is working fine
So how does this technique work?
First of all, I try to choose a book that seems very interesting and I am enthusiastic about. I decided to go to the Goodreads website and see the feedback that people gave the book. I also checked the reviews on websites like Amazon, etc. Also, some good friends recommended it. Finally, I sometimes download a sample (it’s free) on Kindle to read the first paragraphs and see if the book moves me or not.
After choosing the book, I decided to stipulate a minimum of pages that I want to read each weekday. For this book, I decided to read 20 pages a day. I also divided the number of pages of the book by 20 to see how many days it will take me to finish it. Note, that if you take notes during the reading process, it will take more time. So, 20 pages could be a lot, depending on what you are reading at that moment.
This technique is helping me to read and to focus more because I define a goal to achieve. Some may think that I’m writing down why I want to read a book to motivate myself. In my case, I want to improve my one-on-one meetings with my team members and start something new with them.
You can see below what are the post-its that I wrote.
Wrapping up
This is my technique for helping me finish a book. I researched the comments and/or reviews of the book, defined a limit of 20 pages to read each day, and wrote down why I felt that book would be important for me. While I set 20 pages as my daily reading minimum for the book, you can define another number that is reasonable for you. Others set a goal for a minimum daily reading time, for example, 30 minutes a day. Try to see what works for you.
So find your way to finish a book and share your ideas. Also, I’d like to know how you are taking notes on your books and where. I’m trying to find a final way to do it but it’s not easy :D sometimes I use post-its in the physical book. Other times I highlight some phrases on my iPad mini. It depends :D
Thank you for taking the time to read my article and I hope you enjoy the ideas.